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Mel Loveridge

Mel Loveridge

Warwick University
Dr Melanie Loveridge is a Reader in Electrochemical Materials at WMG, with over 15 years’ experience within Li-ion battery research, specialising in materials development & characterisation. She was a specialist in a spin-out company from Imperial College for 6 years. As a member of The Graphene Flagship, she has spent 5 years developing hybrid anode systems for advanced battery systems. Dr Loveridge is a lead inventor on several world patent families around anode materials, compositions and structures, with > 38 publications in Q1 journals. Since returning to academia, she has won > £ 4.5 M in research grants from EPSRC calls, Energy Superstore Early Career Research award, The Faraday Institution, H2020’s Graphene Flagship and industrial research contracts. She sits on many advisory panels and committees for academia and industry and regularly engages with many outreach activities, including the British Science Festival and technical interviews for Radio 4’s Today Program, Channel 4 and BBC 2, with several media articles published, e.g. The Telegraph. She has also given evidence from for her research specialisms for influential panels such as the House of Lords Science & Technology Committee and The Shadow Cabinet’s Round Table on Energy Storage.


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